Double equals signs in displayed format

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Double equals signs in displayed format

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  • #43477

    Please see the attached print copy of the two equals signs.  This appears throughout the book.  I started the second equals sign on the next braille line and did not use multi purpose indicator.  Tried to follow print as closely as possible.   Is this correct?


    Thank You in Advance

    Lindy Walton

    Hi Shellee.

    I'm not seeing an attachment. Can you send it again? Thanks.


    Sorry will re attach


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    Lindy Walton

    I stand corrected! I couldn't find this symbol in any of my resources. I'm glad I asked a mathematician.

    Equals followed by equals is a symbol with a specific meaning. To transcribe the symbol, follow Rule 24.1.f which says this: "The multipurpose indicator is used between two symbols of comparison to indicate that the corresponding signs of comparison are printed horizontally and not vertically."


    Then follow Rule 26.2 to select the runover site: start the runover line with the first equals sign.

    The double equals sign is also found in programming, which is not the case here as far as I can tell.



    Do you know how the double equal sign is transcribed in programming?  This is part of a series for a doctorate student.  This chapter is on programming for braiding colored ribbons.  I should have mentioned that at the beginning of the question.  Is it still the same with the multipurpose indicator?  Thanks Lindy


    Lindy Walton

    If the programming language is shown in a different font (as on an input screen), it is to be transcribed in UEB Technical. The sample you sent shows a math expression displayed to text, which is to be transcribed in Nemeth.

    If you have questions about UEB Technical, you can post on that forum page and Kyle can chime in.

    Good luck with this challenging assignment!


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