Doubling in Owens Method

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  • #43526
    Robert Dietrich

    Hello Kathleen:

    There is no guidance using the Owens Method of Braille Tablature for doubling plectrum strokes (see below). Two questions:

    Can I double the downstroke as I would according to MBC15?

    Would I have to leave 1 space in the rhythm line between the downstroke and the measure number as is indicated in other examples of the Owens Method or is the placement correct directly under the numeric indicator as in my transcription?


    Thank you,


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    Hi Robert,

    Here is the response from Mr. Owens:


    Yes plectrum strokes can be doubled as in MBC.

    However in the example used the alignment should appear as below:

    #G    C--D-EL L EMDL- L EL-FM-

       <B<B?? ? ? L  ? ?N L  ?? ??

           ,G        ,C ,G


         ? ? ? ?@C

         ,D  ,G


    If you look at examples 9.lj & k you'll see an example of proper alignment. Example 9.11 has an error as the lines of the parallel should be shifted 1 space to the right.

    Also notice that at the end of measure 10 there is a slide rather than a shift. Which slide you use depends on whether you're sliding into another note, plucking or not plucking the 2nd note or sliding out of a note.

    These are the sort of things we need to look at for further explanation so I welcome any questions and/or suggestions in order to make this as clear as possible.


    Sorry I don't think the simbraille worked for some reason. Here's a pdf of the braille Mr Owens sent per your question.

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