Drop down answer choices in the middle of sentence

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Drop down answer choices in the middle of sentence

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  • #40786
    Connie Stone

    I am attaching a section of an assignment that has several dropdown answer choices in the middle of sentences in a paragraph. It is a UEB Nemeth transcription and these dropdowns are throughout, some short answer choices and some longer choices. The highlight was done by the teacher just to show the transcriber to include them. Parenthesis and brackets are used elsewhere in the transcription. There is no TN page as these are class assignments to be handed out and each print page is completed separately.

    I thought of putting in braces but concerned that there could be a problem showing distinction between the longer answer choices and after going through them they would have to go back to refresh on what the question was. Second thought was to make all the answer choices in 3-5 while keeping the format of surrounding text. Showing braille samples of both of these formats. This is an on-going project that I want to make sure I can stay as consistent as possible as I receive other documents.

    Thank you.

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    I'm going to answer this one as well as I feel like this is more formats than Nemeth. 🙂

    I have seen this done a couple of other times. I have a couple of suggestions. First, I would not treat the answer boxes as Nemeth rectangles. They are not mathematical in nature, they are just answer blanks. Although there is no rule against using Nemeth rectangles...that's my opinion. For the answer boxes that have drop down choices: The way I've seen this done that I liked the best was to number the answer blanks (1 _ , 2 _, 3 _ and 4 _ [numbers and underscores in UEB] in this case) and then follow the question with a list of the answer choices. Of course, you would need a TN to explain the change to format (on the TN page as this happens throughout. If you don't have a TN page, put it before the first question of each worksheet set.


    less than 2.5%

    between 2.5% and 16%



    not possible



    Hope this helps!





    I'm going to answer this one as well as I feel like this is more formats than Nemeth. 🙂

    I have seen this done a couple of other times. I have a couple of suggestions. First, I would not treat the answer boxes as Nemeth rectangles. They are not mathematical in nature, they are just answer blanks. Although there is no rule against using Nemeth rectangles...that's my opinion. For the answer boxes that have drop down choices: The way I've seen this done that I liked the best was to number the answer blanks (1 _ , 2 _, 3 _ and 4 _ [numbers and underscores in UEB] in this case) and then follow the question with a list of the answer choices. Of course, you would need a TN to explain the change to format (on the TN page as this happens throughout. If you don't have a TN page, put it before the first question of each worksheet set.


    less than 2.5%

    between 2.5% and 16%



    not possible



    Hope this helps!




    Connie Stone

    Thank you Cindi. That will work with any format.

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