Duxbury & UEB

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    I am completely new to NBA, so please forgive if my post is a bit awkward. (Any advice regarding proper protocol very much appreciated!) I am totally blind and am using the most recent version of Duxbury. Despite investigating every menu, I have yet to discover how to switch Dux from EBAE to UEB. Where in the menus do I go in order to do this? Many thanks in advance!


    We just upgraded to Duxbury 11.3. When you choose to create a new document, you need to choose UEB from the template list. The default template is "English (BANA Pre-UEB) - Literary Format". If you keep scrolling down the list, you'll find the options for English (UEB).


    Thank you ArlettaS.

    I am sorry for chiming in here a bit past due. The notification of posts is apparently not working.

    If you visit the help topics in DBT 11.3 you will find a topic Wwelcome to DBT 11.3. There you will find a Renamed Templates section in the form of a table that lists old template names and the new template names. If this topic is accessible with speech I would suggest you review the entire topic.

    DBT has been transcribing UEB for many years so there has always been that option. Now that there is a "braille buffet" offered for combinations of UEB with Nemeth, or just UEB, etc. there are more templates to choose from.

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