When transcribing double spaced volumes, are the Special Symbols and Transcriber's Notes pages also double spaced?
BANA Guidelines for the Transcription of Early Educational Materials from Print to Braille, 1.4.1 says "Kindergarten and first grade: Double-space with the following exceptions: a. single-space title page and supplementary title pages." Braille format guidelines 1.7.2 says exceptions to double spacing includes "c. Single-space title pages and supplementary title pages." I understood that to mean only single-spacing the title page and supplemental title pages (when title page information runs over to braille page t2), and that the Specials Symbols and Transcriber's Notes pages should be double spaced like the rest of the volume.
However, I recently became aware of a workshop that Bonnie Read, whom I understand served on the ELMP committee, gave in Canada (can be found here: https://www.prcvi.org/resources/resources-for-braille-transcribers/webinars/transcription-of-early-educational-materials/) where she used the language "preliminary pages" instead of "title page and supplementary title pages" and then on the next slide of her PowerPoint defined preliminary pages as "•Title page •Subsequent title page •Special Symbols Page(s) •Transcriber's Notes Page(s)". I attached a screenshot to show this.
I am hoping to clarify for certain whether or not Special Symbols and Transcriber's Notes pages are double spaced in a Kindergarten/First Grade book that is double spaced.
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