Embedded Footnotes

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    Are embedded footnotes handled the same way as there were in formats 2011. I could not find a braille example in 2016.



    I'm not sure what an embedded footnote is - can you send a picture?  All footnotes (except gloss notes in Foreign Language) are at the end of the print page in braille.



    I think I am referring to endnotes that may appear in a chapter that need to be placed at the end of the chapter note section or do they go at the end of the print page.  Does this make sense?

    Trying to utilize the Notes SWIFT tools to see if they work.




    Jan - I'm sorry for the late reply - it got buried somehow in my email!  I am still not sure what you mean. If they are endnotes, they appear at the end of the chapter or at the end of the book and are placed all together as stated in section 16.9 of BF (either at the end of the chapter, at the end of the book, or in a separate volume.


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