Enlarged grouping symbols (GTM 15.1)

Home Forums Unified English Braille Technical Enlarged grouping symbols (GTM 15.1)

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  • #42830
    Rae Agren

    I have a few questions about enlarged grouping symbols.

    1. If a letter (not a, i, o) is next to an enlarged grouping symbol on one side and a space on the other, it is not standing alone - is that correct? If so, is it because the enlarged grouping symbols don't qualify as a common punctuation and/or indicator symbol? (i.e. GTM 15.2 bottom of pg. 69 where the "d" has no grade 1 indicator.)
    2. In GTM 15.3 there is an example in which the enlarged vertical bars are shown at the beginning of the enlarged section, but then the dot six is not in front of the vertical bar indicators at the end of the grouping. Is this a typo? or hopefully you can help me understand why is it omitted/not needed here?

    Thank you




    Thank you for your sharp questions.

    1. I agree that a letter next to an enlarged grouping symbol is not standing alone.
    2. I believe you are quite right that in the example under GTM 15.3, there is a braille error; namely, in two instances, _| (456, 1256) should be ,_| (6, 456, 1256).

    If we can get you more thorough explanation, we will share it here.


    Rae Agren

    Kyle -

    Thank you! This helps a lot.


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