Extra Page

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  • #26516

    I have a book with an extra page between the first chapter and the introduction. The introduction ends on page xx and the first chapter starts on Page 1. The extra page between those two sections has the title of the book on the front side and is blank on the following side.

    How and where do I account for these pages? I think at best they can be implied xxi and xxii, in which case I would transcribe it as:

    ...last sentence of introduction.
    [blank space]
    -----page change indicator---xxi
    [blank space]
    Title of Book
    [blank space]
    -----page change indicator---xxii

    If I combined them into one page change indicator and label it xxi-xxii, it would imply that the title of the book is on xxii. And if I identify this page as part of the first chapter, I would end up with negative page numbers.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Lynda.

    I should also note that the title of the book is being used as a running head as well.


    According to 4.3.9 of Braille Formats, a centered heading must be followed by at least one line of text on the braille page...so you cannot put the heading by itself (a page change indicator is not text).  A blank print page (or one that only has a title on it) is combined with the following page...so combine the page with the title with print page 1.  Use 1 as the print page number.  If the running head is the full title (meaning that the running head matches the title that's on the page before print page 1), I would only put the title once.



    That's how I originally had it, but started to think that I had to acknowledge that page in some way. This doesn't require a transcriber's note?


    No, I don't think a note is required.


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