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  • #11739

    I am brailling a teacher's key to solving some Law of Sines examples for a homebound student. When numbers are substituted for the letters in the "Law"
    (sinA/a becomes sin68/78, for example)and are written as a fraction, do I put a number sign before the 68 which is separated by a space from the function abbreviation? Or do I use a "divided by" sign instead of making it a fraction? I don't think I've ever seen a number sign in a fraction's numerator. The key is supposed to be what the teacher says to the class and she often just says numerator "over" denominator.


    Referring to my previous question, since these are ratios, should I perhaps just braille them as such, using the "is to" sign?


    You should braille them as they are in print -- sounds like fractions. When a number follows the abbreviated function name after a space you would need a numeric indicator just as you would if it weren't in a fraction. The same thing happens in an enclosed list if a function name is part of the enclosed list.

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