General question about grade 1 indicators

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    Regarding grade one indicators, if part of a word  (that is not an actual word) is spelled out i-t-y, can a grade 1 word indicator be used in this instance?(for i-t-y) For example- A to the m to the i-t-y

    I know for a word like w-i-n you would use a grade one word indicator, but didn’t know if in this instance if it would apply. Thanks for your help!


    Or in example t to the a to the r-t-y

    Thanks again!


    Never mind, I figured it out. Thanks again!


    2.6.1 A letter or letters-sequence is considered to be "standing alone" if it is preceded and followed by a space, a hyphen or a dash. The dash may be of any length, i.e. the dash or the long dash.

    This applies to all instances of letters separated by hyphens (except a, i, and o). To prevent "i-t-y" from being read as "i-that-you", the grade 1 word indicator is needed.

    Using grade 1 symbol indicators would necessitate going in and out of grade 1 mode on multiple occasions, to be avoided. (5.9.1)

    Julie Sumwalt, Chair
    UEB Literary Committee



    That makes sense and fits with what I was thinking. This was very helpful! Thanks so much!!

    Cory Ruiz

    What about  if the G1 indic. would alter the meaning of the next symbol ( for example : the word "corn" but omitting the OR and inserting an eplises in it's place, so it would look like this "c..n"

    I know that both are considered standing alone, but when I am brailling it the G1 indic for N can also be confused with the Final Letter Contraction for "-tion"

    I don't know if I am overthinking this or if I am misunderstanding something. Can someone please help me

    p.s. I don't know if it matters or not but its also in a special typeform (Script)

    I greatly appreciate any help that you all could provide. I am new to this but I am on Lesson 15 and am looking to learn more about the industry and hopefully one day become a transcriptionist!

    God Bless

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