German letter

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    Is there a braille symbol for the German ess-zett (double s)?


    Do you have the NBA Interim Manual for Foreign Language Braille Transcription? See Section 14.8a. [simbraille]![/simbraille]



    Ooh! I don't have that resource. Thanks for the lead. (In the meantime... do you know the symbol?) 🙂


    The symbol is in the post. Didn't you see it? Dots 2346. What are you transcribing? Is this a German foreign language book for someone taking a course? Somthing else? These'a lot to be aware of in foreign language braille besides a few symbols.

    The Interim Manual is a must-have for foreign language transcribing. It is available for a small charge to NBA members. Inquire at the NBA office.

    Let us know if we can be of further assistance.



    Thanks so much - the symbol did not come through in the post. (I've just placed an order for the manual.) I'm working on an opera score with German text. For some reason, the EBAE only lists the vowels with umlauts and not the ess-zett. I look forward to getting the manual and learning more! Thanks again!


    Oh an opera score! You may also want to consult over in our Music Braille forum, especially if you are also transcribing the actual music. They will be glad to help with the music and with issues involving language and incorporating the libretto and other text.



    I'm way ahead of you! I've checked with Larry and Heidi on a few things already - I'm certified in music braille and having a blast doing full scores! Luckily, this score only has the German without translations - makes a little easier to manage, I think! I've got one coming up that has three languages... that should be fun!


    So very cool! Don't understand why the symbol didn't come through. It's just the "the" symbol. The foreign language manual probably has more than you ever wanted to know about foreign languages, but it does have all the dot assignments for the accented letters in the various languages all in one handy place.


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