grade 1 indicators

Home Forums Unified English Braille Technical grade 1 indicators

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  • #39880

    ,A "7 ,P"<#A"6(R./N)">9<NT>

    Is this correct for the attached equation? I'm having trouble comprehending when grade 1 indicators are required. I think the closing parentheses terminates numeric mode but not grade 1 mode, but I'm not sure.




    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by braillebud.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by braillebud.
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    Ack! How did I miss this question for a few days?! I apologize.

    Thank you for sharing your question, Laurie.

    Your transcription is correct. It matches the print you shared exactly (i.e., A equals P open parenthesis one plus the fraction "r over n" close parenthesis superscript "nt").

    You are very right that no grade 1 indicators are necessary for this expression.

    The plus sign terminates the numeric mode initiated by the 1's numeric indicator. The grade 1 mode initiated by that same numeric indicator is in effect until the space after the closing braille grouping indicator. (third paragraph of GTM §1.2.2)

    Braille on!


    Thanks Kyle. No worries about the delay. I wanted to understand it, and you cleared things up for me nicely. I appreciate your help. (I do wish I could get simbraille to not be so weird when I try to use it in a post though!)


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