Grade 1 indicators used with grouping indicators in pronunciation

Home Forums Foreign Language Grade 1 indicators used with grouping indicators in pronunciation

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 1 month ago by Anna.
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  • #43208
    Mary Mosley

    In the Foreign Language Braille section of the Spring 2023 NBA Bulletin, p. 18, last paragraph, the following information is given:

    ... When an accent applies to more than one letter at once, use braille grouping indicators around the letters being modified.  If you are in UEB context, use grade 1 indicators so that the grouping indicators are not misread as “gh” and “ar”.

    The example on page 19 shows just that.

    Doesn’t this conflict with UEB 4.2.5 which states, “If a single modifier applies to more than one letter, enclose the modified letters in braille grouping indicators.  Grade 1 indicators are not required for the braille grouping indicators since the modifier cannot be followed by a contraction.”

    There is also an example in §4.3.4 in which grade 1 indicators are not used in the braille version of the name Hwǣr.


    You are correct; the grade 1 indicators are not necessary in this type of situation.  This is an error in the Bulletin article.

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