This is my first time doing an “Ask the Expert” question. I am not sure if I can ask to see if I handled the project I am working on correctly.
Without "Promising Practices for Transcription for Kindergarten" and just using Formats 2016 and what the requesting agency wants I don't know if that is enough or if I should do more. I have included a pdf copy of the book and pdf copies of the transcription in print and braille. The book is only 8 pages and the transcription only 10 pages with t and p pages. The agency had requested it to be in UEB, uncontracted, double-spaced and single-sided, they also do there title page centered. I have 14 of these little books to do.
I need an expert to please look at the book I am transcribing. I believe I have followed Formats 2016 to the letter, but I feel something is lacking. Any guidance you can give me would be appreciated.
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