
Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Headings

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  • #42781
    Susan Baker

    Good afternoon!

    I am transcribing a textbook on jazz history. There are boxes of these types of text throughout the book. I am unsure of the best way to format these headings, and would appreciate your guidance.

    I am using "listening focus" as my centered heading. following the box lines.

    Then, there is the listening icon which is used for streaming audio files. So, I was thinking this would have to be in a 7-5 format as an incidental note/cross-reference but was unsure of whether or not I should include the title "I'm Your Hoochie ..." in that 7-5 format.

    Then, I have no idea whatsoever about what the next section is classified as, and how to format it. It starts with INSTRUMENTATION: ...  and they list the band members and the instruments played.

    Thank you in advance for any suggestions you can provide.

    Susan Baker


    Hi Susan - would you be able to upload an example of a page? It sounds like you might have intended to do that but I don't see an attachment.


    Susan Baker

    I'll attach it now. Thanks.

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    Susan Baker

    Hello Cindi,

    Just checking to make sure you received the attached page I sent a few days ago. Thank you so much!



    Sorry for the delay - I didn't get notified of your comment!

    I think the icon should be placed on the same braille line as Listening Focus. You can choose to put it either before or after the heading and then be consistent.

    Make the Title of the song another heading - either centered or cell 5. Then the info below it (the Instrumentation stuff) is just a paragraph. Put a blank line after it as a break in context.



    Susan Baker

    Thank you so much!


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