Identifiers and Tactile Graphics

Home Forums Tactile Graphics Identifiers and Tactile Graphics

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  • #43257
    Hollie Knight

    In 2.7 of GSTG it states "The tactile graphic should be positioned at the left margin of the page, rather than centered. If there is a numbered or lettered exercise identifier associated with a graphic, the graphic may be placed on the same line as the identifier. If there is insufficient space on a line to accommodate the exercise identifier and the diagram, the tactile graphic should be placed at the left margin and below the identifier."

    Is this to be interpreted as we can either start the tactile at the margin OR on the same line as the identifier? (See attached examples.) Or does this mean that the graphic should fit on the same line as the identifier in order for it to be placed on the same line with the identifier? 

    Thank you so much

    Hollie Knight

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    Donald Winiecki

    Thank you for the question!

    The preferred location for tactile graphics is at the left margin.

    Only if there is sufficient space on the line to include the full width of the tactile graphic following an identifier is this an option. This option saves some vertical space on the page.

    If there is insufficient space on a line to accommodate the exercise identifier and the diagram, the tactile graphic should be placed at the left margin and below the identifier.

    We hope this helps!

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