Illustration Placement

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Illustration Placement

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  • #33548
    Michael Gunner

    Hello Cindi,

    Formats 6.2.3 advises that illustration be placed between paragraphs and should not interrupt a sentence. However, when the is no paragraph breaks on a page, how is that situation handled? In the past I have followed print and placed at the end of the print page. Now it is being suggested to combine print page numbers so I can move the illustration to between paragraphs but combining print page numbers does not seem correct to me.  Would appreciate your opinion. The material being transcribed is a Novel and not a textbook.

    Thank you,


    Michael Gunner

    Update: Actually now that look more closely the illustrations and their captions are on their own print page.


    I would NOT combine the print page numbers.  If there are no paragraph breaks on a page, insert the illustration after the completion of a sentence.  Choose a logical place if possible (if there is something in the story that would relate to the illustration, place the illustration there).  If there is no truly logical place, just place it before the last complete sentence on the page.  Don't interrupt a sentence...but if you have no choice you CAN interrupt a paragraph.


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