image credits

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  • #31804

    I have an exercise in a early literacy book that has pictures for answer choices along with the image copyright credits.

    1.  question (1-5)

    a. picture description (3-5)

    b. picture description (3-5)

    c. picture description (3-5)

    Image credit copyright source

    my question is, should there be any blank lines before or after since this is basically a list that will be followed by question 1 and a, b, c,

    I would like to know what is preferred since these have to be included.


    Without seeing the page:  I would say that you should ignore the copyright information unless there is a caption or other information in print.  Do a TN on the TN page that says that image copyright information is not included if there is no caption.  This is similar to how image credits are treated in the table of contents.


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