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  • #27815


    I apologize if this question has been asked before but can someone explain to me how images in a book are to be treated? The book that I'm working with has captioned pictures, photos or cartoons throughout the text.  Is there a general approach for how to account for images without using tactile graphics? I'm attempting to transcribe the book according to UEB standards.





    According to 6.2.1a of Braille Formats 2011, all captions accompanying images are to be included.  Each caption is preceded by an identifier (Cartoon, Photograph, etc).  The caption uses margins 7-5 and don't required blank lines around them.  If a description is required (a description is required if the caption does not adequately explain what the image is), it follows the caption (enclosed in TN indicators and using 7-5 margins).  There are specific rules for transcribing cartoons - see 14.10 of Braille Formats.



    Hi Cindi,

    Thanks! Is there any rule as to where within the braille transcription the image is supposed to be accounted for? For example, if there is an image on the in the middle of a print page, do we braille the caption/description in a similar area of the braille transcription?





    An illustration should be inserted as close as possible to any corresponding discussion in the text.  If an appropriate location isn't apparent, place it after the last full paragraph on the page on which it appears.  Do not interrupt a sentence for the illustration...or a paragraph, if possible.  Pictures could also be inserted at the beginning of the print page if that is the most appropriate (or least disruptive) place.


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