Incomplete Poetic Lines

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Incomplete Poetic Lines

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  • #28114

    Hi Cindi,

    I'm attaching a request from one of our braillist regarding incomplete poetic lines. He states in the '97 Formats you used a double dash, however, UEB does not have the double dash. How does UEB/Formats handle this?

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    After pooling several other people we are all agreed.  There is no one right way to do this 🙂

    Suggestions:  Treat it as an indented list and use three levels (based on what you sent me); use the UEB long dash (although this would not strictly follow UEB as the long dash symbol implies there is an actual symbol present in print and in this case this is not true); or do a TN that says that the irregular indentations are not represented in braille (then do 1-5, 3-5 for margins).  The fact that these are incomplete poetic lines does not should follow what print does and let the braille reader interpret it as they will (which is what the print reader's do).


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