Inserting blank lines in Duxbury

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  • #11502
    Debbie Haberkorn

    I am having difficulty inserting a blank line between a running head and a top box line in Duxbury. I think my situation is further complicated because I also have a print page change indicator at the same place. I have tried all of the usual commands such as skip line, etc. Duxbury either inserts a blank page (still with no space between the running head and the box line) or makes a blank space bewteen the page change indicator and the box line. The box takes up more than one braille page if that makes a difference in the command I should be using. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.


    I am sorry to be so late in seeing this post. I use Braille 2000 but I have forwarded your question and I am waiting for help.
    Did you resolve your issue?


    If you could share the file in question in a DXP file as well as letting me know what version of DBT you are using I will take a look at the coding you are using and see if I can help. Let's do this offline. You can email me at Once we have it resolved I will try to add a post reply to share what we have figured out.


    The user got her help from Duxbury Support. Here was the fix. I decided to post it in the event others have the same issues. Thank you for posting your question and for sharing DBT's answer to your problem.

    Control-k is a shortcut to add a skipped line.

    Regarding the box this is because the box is big.

    Click on the document menu and click modify style.

    Choose box.
    Now after clicking ok remove the [kps] and [ki1] codes from the beginning codes and remove the [kpe] and [ki0] codes from the ending codes.

    Click ok and say yes to modify the style.

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