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  • #39126

    Hello Dan,

    I have a student who is taking Keyboarding this school year. I have attached a page from the 100 page book she will be using. I'm using Duxbury for the file. Am I correct that this should be brailled as it appears in print, with the grade 1 indicator being applied where it is required? Any advice you can give me on this will be appreciated.

    Thank you.


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    Dan Gergen

    Yes, you should observe grade 1 rules if you are transcribing this as a grade 2 (contracted) transcription. There is nothing in the Rules of UEB that indicates you may omit grade 1 indicators for single letters standing alone, letters-sequences that also represent shortforms standing alone or in longer words, or punctuation standing alone that would be misread as a lower wordsign, e.g.: the semicolon in the first paragraph standing alone would be read as the lower wordsign be, or the semicolon embedded between letters-sequences would be read as the bb lower groupsign.

    However, if this is a grade 1 (uncontracted) transcription, you would only need to use grade 1 indicators when punctuation is standing alone (except for the period or exclamation mark) or when lowercase letters a-j occur in numeric mode.



    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Dan Gergen.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Dan Gergen.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Dan Gergen.
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