Keying a diagram Nemeth/UEB

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    Guidance please on how to key graphs in Nemeth!

    From the 2011 Update/Tables & Keys /S.187. Keying Technique:

    b. A numeric key should consist of one or more numerals brailled in the upper
    part of the braille cell. This number must be preceded by the numeric indicator and must
    not be punctuated. Numbered keys should be listed in numeric order. These numbers
    should be placed in the figure, determinant, matrix, or table in the same position as the
    material which they replace.

    From the Final Guidance 4/2018: UEB symbols are not used within the switch indicators for Nemeth Code.

    It would seem that using upper-cell numbers in keys within the Nemeth Code is no longer allowed but I would love to hear otherwise! I'm working in a Precalculus book and I'm not sure what other method of keying  to use. There are hundreds of graphs with all manner of variables, Greek letter and other letter labels sprinkled throughout. Any suggestions welcome.

    Thanks, Trumbull





    I hear you! In fact, as I understand it, you may use upper-cell numbers in a Nemeth numeric key.

    The Guidance says that we may not use UEB symbols within Nemeth Code context, but upper-cell numbers within a Nemeth numeric key are in fact Nemeth Code symbols from the Nemeth Code even though they have the same dot configurations as UEB numbers.

    So, make sure your key listing is clear, including, as always, using the same symbol in your key listing and in the graphic/table, and you should be good to go.

    Sense make?



    Ahhh, it *does make sense when seen through your wise and knowledgeable lens! I was hung up on the upper-cell numbers as UEB symbols but in this case they are only upper-cell numbers, not symbols from another code. Brilliant!

    Now I'm struggling with the key listings.  Must I treat the upper-cell numbers as Nemeth Code when listing the keyed labels? Some labels are words, some are equations or other math content, some are a mix of both. There will be much switching in and out of NC and use of the one-word switch. Obviously the symbol will read the same whether in UEB or NC but is it wrong to have a mix?

    Thank you for helping me over this hurdle!


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by togilby.

    Here's an example of a graph that has both NC and UEB labels

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    I expect it’s quite alright to have upper-cell numbers in Nemeth and UEB, even having a mix as in your example. Bending over backwards in order to have every number of a numeric key in Nemeth Code is unnecessary and potentially confusing to the reader – It might make them ask, “Wait!??! What’s mathematical about this??”

    So, it is not necessary to treat the upper-cell numbers as Nemeth Code when listing the keyed labels. Thank you again for the question.



    Thank you, that makes perfect sense.

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