Labeling values on cartesian graphs using UEB code

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    Susan Baker

    Good morning,

    I have been asked to make blank cartesian graphs, in UEB, for a 6th grader. The teacher wants the graphs to have  units of 1 labeled, in all 4 quadrants from -10 to 10.  What suggestions might you have for me to fit this with as little over-crowding as possible?  I plan to eliminate the dot 5s with the negative signs. But what about the numeric indicator? Could this be eliminated as well?  Thank you for your help!


    Donald Winiecki

    Thanks for the question Susan!

    The following responses reference <i>Guidelines & Standard for Tactile Graphics, 2010</i> (i.e., GSTG). If you're curious, you can find GSTG at the following URL: http://www.brailleauthority.

    First off, GSTG (2010) specifies that we should omit the number sign on Cartesian graphs (see GSTG, Unit 6, pages 6-1 through 6-2, and section No transcriber's note or other accounting is required for this. However, GSTG indicates that if the labels allow for confusion in cases where braille might be interpreted as either a number or alphabetic character, the numeric indicator (dots 3456) should be used to clarify what is meant. That said, since you indicate that the teacher wants an <u>empty</u> Cartesian graph (i.e., a graph without braille labels for what each axis represents) for students' use, there may be no such confusion and a numeric indicator will likely not be necessary anywhere on your TG.

    If you are faced with crowding on the coordinate number lines, GSTG allows us to omit some of the numbers. For example, while including all tick marks from -10 to 10 across the coordinate regions you could choose to omit odd numbers to save space.

    For more space saving, it is also allowable to omit the dot 5 from negative number signs. This follows from the way GSTG correlates information on number lines with the way we should represent the axes on a Cartesian graph -- see GSTG (page 6-21) and the example in GSTG on pages 6-23 through 6-25.

    In general, all of the advice in GSTG 6.6.2 is useful when converting Cartesian graphs to TGs.

    Additionally, it may be important to find out what methods students will be using to plot information into the empty Cartesian graphs you provide. This is because the plotted lines students add should be the most distinctive lines on the graph (GSTG This means that you should choose a method for reproducing your TGs so that whatever method students use to plot data on the Cartesian plane, those lines will be bolder and more distinct than your grid lines and axis lines.

    While we are on the topic of the tactile "vocabulary" of lines on a Cartesian graph, GSTG indicates that the grid lines should be the least distinctive of all lines on the graph, and the axis lines should be tactually distinct from the grid lines. However, as above, the actual data plot lines should be the most distinctive on a completed graph.

    Finally, our resident expert in the use of CorelDraw on the <i>NBA TG Skills Group</i> provides the attached screenshot for setting up and using CorelDraw's "TM Macro" to accomplish the above. Please note that the "TM Macro" in CorelDraw will automatically insert numeric passage indicators and terminators above and below the Cartesian graph, and insert dot-5 before the minus sign on negative numbers -- you will have to remove those features manually after the "TM Macro" in CorelDraw does it's thing.

    Please let us know if this answers your questions!

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    Susan Baker

    Thank you so much, Don! This is VERY helpful.


    Donald Winiecki

    Glad to help Susan!

    It looks like the URL to the Guidelines & Standards for Tactile Graphics (GSTG) on BANA's website didn't survive the upload process when I added my previous message. I am including that link again below.

    Kathderal See


    Are you aware of any settings, like the above, for Cartesian graphs that would assist with Windows (print to Tiger Embosser) or Tactile View?

    Donald Winiecki

    Hi Kathderal!

    Thank you for your question.

    If I may, I would like to ask for clarification so that we can best respond.

    Are you asking about use of the Tiger Software Suite in MS-Windows?

    If yes, are you asking for details that pertain to MS-Windows itself, or to the setup and use of Tiger software?

    It may also help us if you could describe in more detail what you are trying to accomplish with MS-Windows, Tiger software, or Tactile View.

    I look forward to your response!

    _don winiecki

    Kathderal See

    Sorry, if I wasn't clear. My question was pertaining to the attachment for the settings (line grids)  for  using CorelDraw. Do you have any knowledge of  something similar for using Tiger Suite or TactileView?

    Donald Winiecki


    With a little help from our friends in the TG world at NBA, we can offer the following.

    For Tiger Software Suite

    Set your system to create lines according to the following:

      <li style="list-style-type: none;">
    • Axis lines: Drawing Color 6, Line width 2
    • Tick marks: Drawing Color 6, Line width 1
    • Grid lines: Drawing Color 2, Line width 1
    • Braille symbols: Drawing Color Braille

    In MS-Word or CorelDraw, use a 1-point dashed line for the background grid, and a 1.5-point solid line for both axis lines and the tick marks.

    In all applications, the actual plotted line should be heavier than any other line on the TG.

    Finally, I encourage you and others to attend the 'Braille Bytes' webinar this Tuesday, 17 December. Our topic will be the relevant rules and considerations for creating a Cartesian Coordinate TG as you see here. See the following for logging in!

    <b>Braille Bytes: Basic Scientific Graphics</b>

    <i>Presenter: Donald Winiecki</i>
    Tuesday, December 17 at 1:00p EST

    Description: Across all STEM fields, the most basic and even the most common scientific graphics are those that appear on an X-Y coordinate system (i.e., the Cartesian coordinate graph). In this webinar, we will first introduce critical standards that apply to all Cartesian graphs, and then show how those standards apply as the graphs become more complex. We will also explore important design considerations for each tactile graphic based on their end-use and method of production.

    <b>TO JOIN</b>

    <b>Please join from your computer, tablet or smartphone.</b>
    <b>You can also dial in using your phone.</b>
    United States: +1 (646) 749-3129
    Canada: +1 (647) 497-9391
    Access Code: 389-957-541


    Please let us know if these resources provide you with what you need!

    _don winiecki

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Donald Winiecki. Reason: formatting got a little goofed up
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Donald Winiecki. Reason: Updates on CorelDraw macros from Betty Marshall
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