line 25 blank line

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook line 25 blank line

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  • #32616
    Shelley Mack

    If a blank line to show a change in context/storyline in print (Formats 1.9.5) between two paragraphs falls on line 25, should the blank line also be on line 2 of the next braille page if there is a running head? Will the blank line be noticed by the reader if it's on line 25? Thanks!


    If something ends on line 24 or 25 of a braille page that requires a blank line following it (a list, the end of a poem, the end of an exercise, etc) then line 2 of the next page should be left blank.  So yes, in your example, line 2 of the next page should be left blank so it is clear to the reader that there is a break in context.


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