Line numbered text

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  • #29648

    Hello Cindi

    I need your advice on the following problem. Please refer to the attachment.  The problem is that if I start line 10 at the end of line 25 on the previous page (since there is enough room). Then per BF 15.3.1C I have to reserve the last 5 cells for the line numbers. That will push line number 10 to the start of the next page. Then the biggest number on the previous line is 9. so only 4 cells are needed for the line number. Do you see the problem I have?  My question is: is it OK the way I transcribed? Any other advice?

    Thank you very much.

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    Yes, what you have done is great. You really have no choice. I've had this same issue with foreign language glossaries that have articles. You have to do what makes the most sense...and you have.



    Thank you very much


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