long dash

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  • #11748
    Chris Clemens

    How to do the long dash in dxp?
    For the dash, I use "alt + 0150" (–) and the symbol is right but I'm not able to do the long dash. Do you have a shortcut?


    For now I would use ascii and exact translation.


    Another way to insert the long dash. I emailed DBT and got the following information.

    In the DXP file place your cursor where the long dash needs to be. Then using control+] (closing bracket) you will get a screen that will allow you to insert the DUSCI code for the long dash. In that box type ec45 and then OK. Then Ctrl T to translate and you will see the UEB long dash.

    DBT has added this symbol to their list for the next DBT version.

    Chris Clemens

    If you are using WORD and need to insert the long dash here is what you need to do:

    enter 2015 and then alt+x. This will insert a long dash in WORD and DBT will transfer it to the right symbol when imported.


    Thank you!

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