Lowercase Roman numeral print page numbers

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  • #11819
    Ed Godfrey

    Following is a list of print page numbers that appear at the top of consecutive braille pages in Volume 1:

    i ai bi aii bii cii iii-vii viii-ix aix ax xi-xiii axiii bxiii axiv bxiv cxiv axv xvi-xvii axvii bxvii

    Which of these lowercase Roman numeral page numbers require the "Grade 1 Indicator" in UEB?

    Thanks ...



    This is a good question. Technically, none of them do. However, there needs to be distinction between the continuation indicators and the roman numerals. The suggested practice is to put the grade 1 indicator between the lettered continuation indicator and roman numeral.


    Fred Van Ackeren

    Hi Cindi, Hi Ed,

    You say "technically" but then add "distinction." If technically correct why a distinction? Braille 2000 UEB version WILL NOT let me add the gr.1 indicator in any way I know of (unless perhaps I do a "Page Numbering Layout" for each page, which is very tedious for 70+ p-pages). It appears that Braille 2000 takes "technically" to mean that "letter signs" are not necessary and will not allow the "distinction" to  be made. This could be problematic If I submit volumes w/o the indicators and proofreaders say they are needed, I won't be able to add them and will have to stand on the argument that "technically they are not needed."

    Does anyone else have this situation?



    After much discussion, this decision has been changed.  Follow the UEB rules for grade 1 indicators...meaning that ax (continued page x) does not need any grade 1 indicators.



    I guess the chance of getting to continuation page ix is kind of slim but is it impossible?

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Lynda.

    Sure, anything is possible.  However, the context of this usage would make it clear for the reader.


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