Margins for Nemeth termination indicator

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Margins for Nemeth termination indicator

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  • #11797
    Susan Baker

    Good morning!
    My question has to do with what is considered the margin when ending a spatial math problem in a UEB with Nemeth transcription. It is for a 2nd grade math workbook.
    Provisional guidelines, Section 5b, on the BANA website state the following:

    ... When Nemeth mode is closed after a spatial problem, the Nemeth Code terminator is placed at the margin on a line by itself and is preceded by the required blank line (the blank lines around spatial problems are done in Nemeth mode).

    For my project,throughout the book, I have a series of illustrative material--pictures with captions--that I've set up in 7/5 where there are spatial problems in the middle of of the captions.I am hesitant to put the NC terminator in cell 1, for it makes it unclear then that it is all within a caption. Do you think that when they say the terminator is placed at the margin after a blank line following the spatial problem, they mean the left margin (cell 1) or do you think they mean the margin in effect, which would depend?

    Thank you for your help.
    edited by SBaker on 6/17/2015

    Susan Baker


    After conferring with my (excellent) committee, I can tell you that overall we think you should use the margin in effect. That is, your NC terminator after a spatial problem in a picture caption should be in cell 5.

    Thank you for your perceptive question.


    Thank you, Kyle, and also to your committee, too. You are all very helpful!


    Even after the Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code within UEB Context, that was approved in June of this year, I assume this is still the proper interpretation of this situation ? I see they still did not change the language in that.


    In fact, the wording on placement of Nemeth Code indicators around spatial material has changed in the updated Guidance. [Wording that mentions "the margin" was retained for discussion of tables.]

    See #8.b under Additional Guidelines on page 9 of the Guidance for Transcription Using the Nemeth Code within UEB Contexts. (

    The Nemeth Code terminator that follows a spatial arrangement should be in cell 1 on a line by itself, preceded by a blank line.


    What would you recommend when itemized material is involved? I have attached an example with just such an instance. The termination indicator would interfere with the itemized entry that follows. If there had been additional text to the itemized entries that follow this would only exacerbate the issue more.

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    I believe you are asking about the Nemeth Code terminator that follows the second tactile graphic in the PDF you attached.

    Placing the terminator in cell one would not keep the identifier that follows it from doing its job, I don't think. Nor would that placement prevent the termonator from doing its job.

    Since the Guidance specifically says to place the terminator in cell 1, that is really where it should be.


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