math with a lot of words

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science math with a lot of words

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  • #39865
    Shelley Mack

    Hi, Lindy,

    I'm pretty sure I already know the sad answer to this, but should the entire mathematical question in parts a, c, d, e, f in the document attached be transcribed in full Nemeth, no contractions, no spaces around signs of operation? That will be a bear for the reader.


    Shelley Mack

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    For better and worse, you are correct that a full expression should be within Nemeth Code switch indicators, including expressions that are inconveniently made up of a lot of words.

    So, yes, something like:

    P(likes avocados ∩ doesn't like Avocados)

    should all be within Nemeth Code, which means no contractions and unspaced symbols of operation.

    Braille on!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by kdejute. Reason: I meant UNspaced symbols of OPERATION not comparison 😬
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