Mixed numbers and letters and capitalization

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    Taylor Goldhardt

    A lot of the textbooks I transcribe have these odd sequences of letters and numbers. Often, there are enough capital letters and spaces that (without the numbers) we would use the capital passage indicator. However, each sequence starts with a number, so I'm not sure how to handle it.

    Here is an example sequence:

    4.NF.A.1, 4.NF.A.2, 4.NF.C.6, 4.NF.C.7, 4.MD.B.4

    So far I've been doing these as capital word/letter indicators on each set of letters because it doesn't make sense to put a capital passage indicator immediately before a number, nor have I seen a capital passage indicator in the middle of a sequence. I can't do a capital passage on a line of its own because the sequence occurs in the middle of a paragraph. Do you have any advice?

    Dan Gergen

    From a UEB point, I can see no restriction on the use of a capitals passage to minimize capital indicators in the example you provided: "4.NF.A.1, 4.NF.A.2, 4.NF.C.6, 4.NF.C.7, 4.MD.B.4."

    You would insert the capitals passage indicator where capitals begin: before the letter N in the first symbols-sequence. Punctuation and numbers do not terminate capitals mode in a capitals passage. The capitals terminator is placed after the 4 in the last affected symbols-sequence. (UEB 8.5.3)

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