This question pertains to Long Word Expressions in Choral Ensemble music. In the standards manual MBC-2015, p. 329, sect. 37.1 It makes no mention of placement of Long Word Expressions in this format. What we are trying to confirm is whether they can be placed outside the music line in a free line between the lyric line and the music line.
In the manual MDG-2005, p. 441, sect. 32 it begins by generalizing ensemble scores to include both instrumental and choral. Then it splits into individual rules. Instrumental ensemble scores have clear and defined rules for Long Word Expression outside the music line (p. 445). However beginning on page 450 with the General Directions for Choral Ensemble Scores it again like the 2015 manual makes no mention of this.
Can you verify what the correct procedure is when we encounter long expressions in choral ensemble music. Must they remain in the music line or are there other alternatives?