Music Heading

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  • #36975
    Christina Robertson

    Hi, Kathleen.

    How might I make this music heading more clear/accurate to the reader?  (I've attached the print pic AND my braille attempt.)

    Might I need to include some type of parentheses?  (Ignoring the parentheses looks confusing in the braille?)

    Might I need to clarify which hand is in which meter?  (It isn't mixed meter as shown in MBC2015 or DeGarmo, so I don't think I braille them together without a space.)

    After I get the music heading squared away, I'll add the footnote, text (perhaps in another footnote?) transcriber-added rest, etc.



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    Hi Christina!

    What a great question!

    I am going to base my answer on the way MBC2015 treats irregular key signatures.

    I would do the tempo indication exactly as it appears - environs. quarter equals music parenthesis dotted quarter music parenthesis equals 51

    The time signatures can be indicated as right and left hand in the music heading - enclose the right hand sign in music parentheses directly before the sharp 12/8. Leave a space, enclose the left hand sign in parentheses directly before the sharp 4/4.

    I don't think you'll need to put them in the music line.

    (I can't figure out how to use simbraille in this box, so I've attached a pdf. Let me know if it doesn't make its way clearly.)

    I also don't think a footnote will be necessary for the meters. It should be clear enough this way. Or are you just referring to the long word expressions?

    Be well!


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    Oh good grief. The sim braille took effect AFTER I hit submit! It didn't appear that way while I was typing!

    Argh. Here's print: I would do the tempo indication exactly as it appears - environs. quarter equals music parenthesis dotted quarter music parenthesis equals 51

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Kathleen.
    Christina Robertson


    Your explanation and your .pdf make sense - thank you!

    As for the footnotes:  yes, I intended that for the long word sign expressions.  There is also an editor footnote in measure 0 which may not be in the excerpt I sent.

    Thanks again!

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