Need for Transcriber’s Notes Page

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  • #37353

    This is the first time I've encountered a book that I don't have anything for the Transcriber's Notes Page. Should I still include the page and indicate there are no notes, or just not have the page?

    Dan Gergen

    Hello Vicki,

    Thank you for your question. The UEB Literary Committee discussed your inquiry and consulted a formats expert. The formatting and rules for the Transcriber's Notes page is explained in Braille Formats Principles of Print-to-Braille Transcription, 2016 in §2.6.1. The Rules of UEB leave most formatting decisions to the local braille authority.

    As you know, the Transcriber's Notes page is where you explain the use of other codes or guidelines used in your transcription as well as any altered formats or omitted items from the print version. It's not uncommon to have nothing to explain—but in braille transcribing, there is always a first time.

    There are no instructions found in §2.6 that direct you to include a blank Transcriber's Notes page to indicate there is nothing to explain. You may exclude the page from your transcription.

    If you need further clarification, please let us know.

    Dan Gergen, Chair
    UEB Literary Committee

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