Nemeth graph with labels in UEB with Nemeth transcription

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  • #40371


    I started in the Nemeth forum but Lindy asked me to post here. So ...

    I'm attaching some pictures of graphs. For the first and last images, the only solution I can think of to manage the UEB labels inside the Nemeth of the graph is to key the labels. For the middle picture, could I use the single-word switch indicator for the two labels if I decide not to key the labels? Are these the correct options for UEB labels on a Nemeth graph? Are there other possibilities I can consider?



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    Donald Winiecki


    Thank you for your question! We are getting our heads together and will provide answers to your questions as soon as we have finished our process. Please stand by!

    Donald Winiecki

    Thank you for your question Braillebud!

    When TGs exist in a Nemeth context, the use of uncontracted words as labels is permitted, but our TG experts agree that the labels in your samples should be keyed and the single-word switch indicator should not be used. This will ensure "cleaner" graphics that allow the reader more space to investigate the graph itself. Additionally, in the case of these images the key will likely fit on the same page.

    Attached are a screen shot and BRF file showing some examples that may help illustrate these concepts.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Donald Winiecki. Reason: braille items seem not to be formatting as simbraille!
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by Donald Winiecki.
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    Thank you for the thorough answer!


    Donald Winiecki


    We have late breaking amendments to our response.

    When TGs exist in a Nemeth context, the use of uncontracted words as labels is permitted, but our TG experts agree that the labels in your samples should be keyed and the single-word switch indicator should not be used. This will ensure "cleaner" graphics that allow the reader more space to investigate the graph itself. Additionally, in the case of these images the key will likely fit on the same page.

    Please see the new PNG file showing examples of key items for your first and third TG. There were some errant braille symbols in the original.

    For the middle image where the curve meets the X-axis at 0, because there is little space for the word "Focus" it should also be keyed. The word "Directrix" will perhaps fit without interfering with other features. If so, it <u>could be</u> brailled in full, or keyed as a textured line.

    No keys or labels should cross the axis or graph lines.

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    Thank you.

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