Nemeth indicators–explain the Nemeth?

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    Julie Sumwalt

    Using the new Nemeth indicators is great, but it assumes the reader knows Nemeth. Even if the symbols are identified according to the guidelines, the rules of how they work may not be known. Yet, we can't teach Nemeth to the reader. Do we explain anything beyond the symbols?


    We don't teach all the other things in textbooks either, like foreign language and punctuation! These are things the reader is expected to know or are things that they are learning in the class, just like the sighted readers. We list the symbols that are used in braille and then the braille reader sees the same symbols as the sighted reader. Some of all of the symbols may not be understood by the sighted readers either! Explaining symbols is the teacher's job. Making those symbols accessible to the braille reader is the transcriber's job.

    Hope that helps.



    I understand what you're saying, but I wasn't clear with my question. I had in mind situations other than the classroom, say an adult picking up a magazine or non-fiction book. We still can't teach Nemeth, I agree. Maybe write out the Nemeth bits in words on the TN page? I just want to make sure your answer is the same for these kinds of situations.

    Julie Sumwalt

    Yes, same answer. Adult braille readers have been taught Nemeth as children the same way print readers have been taught math signs as children. It is part of general literacy. If an adult print reader counters unknown math signs in general reading, then that person is in the same boat as the braille reader. Often the text explains highgly technical symbols found in general reading. If not, not. The point is, the transcriber conveys the print, without editorializing. There is no provision in the any guidelines or rules to teach content.


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