Number lines

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  • #31858

    I have a number line from -10 to +10. Given that it takes 5 cells to write -10 in UEB the number line is going to take at least 3 braille lines.  I can't find anything in the technical manual to indicate that the number line is divided between braille lines, nor can I find anything that might let me use the numeric passage indicator. What is the best solution for presenting this number line.  Thanks, Lynnette

    Julie Sumwalt

    Hi Lynnette,

    You'll be happy to hear that Guidelines for Technical Material does provide for this situation. See GTM 4.4.2, second bullet point, which says the hyphen may be substituted for the two-cell negative sign if space is needed on an axis. A transcriber's note explains this substitution.

    Also, the provisions of Guidelines and Standards for Tactile Graphics still hold. The numeric indicator is omitted from number lines. Divide the number line as needed according to GSTG.

    So, you'll have upper-cell numbers; dots 2, 456 for scale marks; arrows and line mode according to UEB; hyphens for the negative signs; with no numeric indicator according to GSTG.

    That should help!

    Braille on,


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