number lines with bold arrow in the middle

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science number lines with bold arrow in the middle

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  • #11194
    Julie Sumwalt

    I know how to do number lines, but how should I handle the arrowhead in the bolded segment of these number lines?

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    Lindy Walton

    Hi Julie. I can't say I have ever seen a number line like these, where there is an additional arrowhead printed on the line. Does anyone else have experience with these?

    Since distinctive coordinate markers which are superposed on a number line are moved to the line above, directly over the scale marks they cover, I suggest brailling a one-cell arrowhead (right- or left- pointing) above the appropriate location as you would any of the other markers we are given in TG


    I've encountered the same situation; an arrowhead indicating the end of the bold segment within the boundaries of the number line.
    Hooray for the askers and the experts at Ask An Expert!
    Thank you, Julie and Lindy

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