Numeric Passage Indicators in non-technical text

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  • #12830
    Ed Godfrey

    Am wondering if the Numeric Passage Indicator & Terminator (UEB 6.9) should be used in non-technical contexts for a long series of numbers. Examples that come to mind are a long Printing History (title page), 13-digit ISBNs (though no space is saved), and a long series of page number references in indexes. There may be others as well.

    When (if ever) should the Numeric Passage Indicator & Terminator be used in such non-technical, literary contexts?



    I've been told that the numeric passage indicator is used in math contexts...for lists of numbers. It should not be used on the printing history or the ISBN.



    Logic would dictate that since the declaration of the Numeric Passage Indicator is being made with other passage indicators that are of a non-technical nature, its intent is a non-technical one as well. This is also logical because there are instances of long strings of numbers not representing technical information such as a long printing history. It is my opinion that if the Numeric Passage Indicator were technical only in nature this information would have been listed in the technical section of the UEB code or listed in it's current location with references to it's technical nature included along with a cross-reference of that fact in the technical section of the UEB code. This is my opinion only and I am of no authority regarding Braille but it seems pretty cut and dried to me.


    When I said I have been told, I meant by those who wrote the code.  The numeric passage indicator should not be used for printing histories or ISBN numbers.


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