numeric passage usage, please!

Home Forums Unified English Braille Literary numeric passage usage, please!

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    Hi Julie,

    I would like to better understand the parameters of using the numeric passage indicator.

    from AAE, September 3, 2015 … the numeric passage indicator is used in math contexts…for lists of numbers. It should not be used on the printing history or the ISBN.

    So ... in a math workbook (UEB/Nemeth), the following exercise has a simple string of numbers which do not require a switch to Nemeth. Would this fall into the above category of "math contexts … for lists of numbers"?

    1. Identify the pattern by stating the rule. 100, 88, 76, 64, 52

    If so, ugh! And if so, is this a "flexible" rule that can be employed only when useful?

    I feel that the lack of separation between numbers would make these exercises more difficult than they need to be. If I must, I plan to write a TN explaining that the numeric passage indicator is not used for this type of exercise!

    thanks for any clarification you can offer!



    Technically, yes, you CAN use the numeric passage indicator in this situation.  But it is NOT required.  I agree with you and would not use it here. My understanding of this symbol is that is a tool to be used in situations where using it solves some type of problem...keeps a list of numbers all on one page, keeps the columns aligned as they are in print, etc.



    Thank you Cindi,

    I am happy to know that the numeric passage indicator is a tool, not a rule,

    haha, UEB poetry!

    thanks for your explanation,


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