Odd Punctuation

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  • #42741
    Martin Kuemerle

    Hello Cindi, I have some odd punctuation thing going on and I believe it is to show the change in punctuation from say period to a comma but a hyphen is also present. And sometimes punctuation is colored blue and sometimes not??? I use a transcriber defined for blue and one for crossed-out. Do I need to include punctuation in the  transcriber defined or ignore? Also, where does the hyphen belong here if at all? Like hyphen, period, comma? Period, hyphen, comma? Period, comma, hyphen?



    If you cannot determine significance for the blue punctuation, ignore it. If the hyphen represents a change from, say, a period to a comma, do period hyphen comma. Include a transcribers note telling the reader what that means.


    Without seeing the print, this advice is all I've got 😁. You get some if the most complicated stuff!!


    Martin Kuemerle

    Thx I search the world over for some of this stuff. Not really! Sorry I was certain I sent pdf (here it is again) It seems difficult to send files along and I'm sure I'm not alone on that. The fact that the colored punctuation is inconsistent (go figure!)I will just ignore it. Ya have to wonder do publication editors even read through the whole book???

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    Tara Johnson

    Is it ok to chime in here? I was just looking at the document and the hyphen is a 'cross out' same as across the letters/words that are crossed out, its just that in the computer font the line is not low enough to actually go across the period mark, so its not a separate hyphen line but a line across the period then the correct punctuation after (or no punctuation since it was not needed in that one example).  So you could cross out the period or comma same as you would the crossed out words etc. The blue color punctuation is just part of the blue section that was added to the original paragraph to improve flow.

    It is probably too late for this document but maybe it might help somewhere else etc. Sometimes they really make it confusing!


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