Omissions in tables requiring answers to be filled in

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  • #29080
    Susan Baker

    Good morning!

    The following question is for a workbook that is being transcribed in embedded Nemeth Code within UEB code text. In the attachment showing a table, the student is supposed to fill in answers (on separate answer sheet).  Since there is no clue to indicate how many answers would be placed within each column, I plan to insert a TN stating that the table does not have a specified number of rows.  But now I am not sure whether I should place either 1) a general omission indicator in each column, or instead, 2) a series of dot 5 across the width of each column along with a second TN stating that "guide dots indicate a space for an answer" according to BF 11.6.4.   And, there is another similar table that is in the chapter that would be done in UEB, since it does not contain decimals.  Would this be done with guide dots in each column?

    Thank you very much.


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    Thank you for the question, Susan.

    What we've got is a skeleton table (BF2016 section 11.9), which seems to tell us to do what you've described: use guide dots to indicate empty column entries and include a TN explaining that "This table does not have a specified number of rows." We can also include explanation of the guide dots in our TN. Then, we'll just apply Nemeth Code switch indicators in the box lines that enclose material that should be transcribed in Nemeth, and I think we'll be rocking and rolling.

    Attached is a .BRF that represents this transcription of your print sample (Thank you for including the sample!).

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by kdejute. Reason: Add to TN in order to explain guide dots in skeleton table
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    Susan Baker

    Thank you very much!


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