Properly indentifying text

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Properly indentifying text

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  • #11374

    We are trying to interpret what we are seeing in the text of this book. What would you consider to be the exercise set in the attached file.

    1) Is it the complete LESSON REVIEW? Appendix F, Glossary for Transcriber’s “exercise set: the complete assignment, which includes directions, examples, questions, and answer choices”
    2) Is it the category heading? OR
    3) Is it the individual enumerated items?

    The correct interpretation of this material has a direct impact no how it is to be split across pages and the format in general.

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    This is not an exercise, which is probably the reason you're having trouble figuring out what to do with it. The citation that you refer to says an exercise consists of directions, examples, questions and answer choices. There are no examples, questions or answer choices here. There are no blanks to fill in, no sentences to complete, no columns to match, no errors to correct. In short, all that is here are directions and this is simply a list of directions, things to do . Explain, describe, write, with nothing following. Treat this as a nested list.


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