Punctuation in Foreign Language

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  • #42559
    Kim Lloyd

    Would we leave a space before the exclamation mark in braille if shown spaced in print?

    Nous aimons toutes les activités d'été !

    Thank you!



    I suspect that this is just a visual quirk of this particular text.  If it's used throughout the text, whether in all text or within a specific typeform, you can ignore it throughout.

    If the spacing is used to draw attention to the exclamation mark, the space can stay in; check the context of the text around it.  (If this is a one-time or occasional thing.)

    If the text uses both "exclamation point with a space before" AND "exclamation point with no space before" throughout, that's a little trickier.  If there doesn't seem to be a difference between the use of the two, I would lean toward ignoring the space anyway (because I think it's still most likely to be used for visual distinction rather than any semantic meaning).  In this case, you can add a note on the TN page explaining that these spaces are omitted.

    Kim Lloyd

    Thank you, Anna.

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