Question regarding word division at the end of print page

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Question regarding word division at the end of print page

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  • #32427

    Hello Cindi,

    According to the rules, we follow print for word division at the end of a print page. In the book I'm working on, the word illusion is divided after u which takes (sion) to the next page after the print page indicator. The word nation is divided after na, which takes (tion) to the next page after the page change indicator.  Am I correct dividing the words this way in braille?

    Thank you for your help.




    Yes, you follow print for word division at the end of a print line.  You do need to follow the rules for contractions though - see Section 10.13.11 of the UEB Rule book which says that the sion and tion contractions could not be used in these situations.


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