reference notes in boxed material

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    The numbered notes in this book are being placed on a note page at the end of each volume. I found a rule for notes in tables (placed before table not on a note page), but what do I do with notes that are in boxed material that are not numbered as in text. Do I place them after the title in the box or at the end?? thanks for the help

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    Can you possibly send me a scan of the actual print page so I can see what this situation looks like in print?



    HI Joanna, I hope this attached. The box starts at the bottom of the page and continues to the next page. Title (after Years) has 2 reference symbols an asterisk and a dagger and end of first paragraph (after white) has a third symbol, the double dagger. These are not number references like the rest of the reference notes. To me it makes more sense to keep these with the boxed material and either place them before the closing box line or after the title like the tables.


    Unfortunately, it was not possible to get a better scan, but considering the information that is here, I would say that the references that may occur in material that is NOT a table but happens to be enclosed in a box is treated just as if the box weren't there. Place the references and the notes as given in the Notes section.


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