segmented numbers in Italian

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    I'm transcribing an Italian textbook.
    It shows phone numbers with blank spaces used to separate different segments of the numbers. For example: "Venezia T. 07 998022"
    In the NBA interim manual, it says to insert the braille decimal point instead of the blank spaces in a long number. In the English Braille Edition, there is mention of telephone numbers but nothing about segmented phone numbers.
    What would you suggest since it's not technically speaking a long number but a phone number. My first idea was to omit the blank space but I want to make sure that I'm not doing something wrong.
    Thanks for the help.


    Thanks for the great question. Use the provisions in the Interim Manual because this is an Italian number. Long numbers refers to ANY number, whether a telephone number or not. Since this is a foreign language transcription, the reference to numbers apply to ANY foreign language number. This is because foreign number notation for ANY number, including a phone number, is often different than United States/English. Leave the space after the T. (I believe that's a period anyway) and insert the decimal and close the space after the 07 as stated in the Interim Manual, because that is the number.


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