Sending a Simbraille file

Home Forums Computer-Assisted Transcription Sending a Simbraille file

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  • #11695

    How do I send a simbraille file from DBT?


    I was thinking that this may need further explanation. I have 3 documents that I need to transcribe into braille. These documents are for Dedication plaques, and they need to be sent to sign vendor as an image. Any help would be appreciated.


    I have asked for help from my Duxbury expert and I will get back to you tomorrow. So sorry for the delay.

    Janice L. Carroll

    What I do for plaques is this.
    I do my translation and then I save it as a BRF file. I then open the BRF file into WORD and change the font to Braille or Simbraille and change the font size to 14 point so that none of the lines get skewed.

    Hope this is what you are needing. If not you can message me off expert or continue this thread.

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