Sequencing table

Home Forums Nemeth Code for Math and Science Sequencing table

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  • #39812
    Michael Gunner

    Hello Lindy,

    I have attached a copy of an unusual table from a genome lecture which is being transcribed into UEB w/Nemeth. I am not sure where to even begin on this table. Its to large to place on facing pages. Splitting vertically is an option but then the colors seem to be needed. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.


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    Lindy Walton

    Hi Michael.
    Please accept our apologies for not seeing your question until recently. I am stumped by your dilemma. Have you summoned the advice of the tactile graphics committee? They may have some ideas regarding the colors in this complicated table.

    I am sure you would have no trouble dividing this table vertically into (many!) sections in order to show the vertical relationships of the items, but the color correlation would of course be lost.

    I would be curious to find out how you solve this one.
    Thank you for your question.

    - Lindy

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