Sequential Table

Home Forums Braille Formats/Textbook Sequential Table

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  • #29827

    Hi Cindi, I am forwarding the following:

    I am writing at this time to request your clarification of a rule. Format rule 11.3.2 Sequentially Numbered Tables section (b) says to repeat the heading label on line 25 of each succeeding page. I understand that. (c) Says no text other than the end-of-volume statement can be placed between the completion of a table and the notation.

    My question is, should the continuation statement be placed on the last page of the table when the table no longer continues on the next page? Or should it be stopped on the previous page because it allows the student to know that it continues on the next page.  I am sending two examples, which way is correct. I feel like there is no need to continue the table label when it concludes because it implies that it continues on the next page which it does not. I would like to know your opinion… Thank you. Please see braille file.

    Thank you for your time, there is no rush, just get back to us when you have an opportunity.




    The files did not upload properly.

    However, I think I can answer your question.

    The label on line 25 isn't there to tell the reader that the table continues on the next's there as a sort of guide text.  It lets the reader know that what is on THAT page is part of a continued table.  So yes, you need the label on the last page of the table.


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